Building Systems
FourFortyFour South Flower is designed to offer maximum protection to its occupants. The Building is inspected and monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. State of the art fire and life safety systems supplement existing security systems. These systems include:
Fire / Life Safety Program
Primary responsibility for the safety of Building occupants and compliance with fire codes rests with each Building tenant. All Building occupants are required to complete the Building’s Fire/Life Safety program within fourteen (14) days of commencing occupancy in the Building. Each firm is responsible for ensuring that all new employees comply with this requirement. Participation can be arranged through the Property Management Office. Emergency exit routes are posted in the elevator lobby of each floor. It is important for everyone in the Building to take responsibility by learning safety procedures, including evacuation routes in the Building.
Click here to access Fire and Life Safety Training (opens in new window)
Floor Wardens
Each tenant is required to appoint a suite monitor who will be responsible for coordinating the evacuation of the tenant firm. All floors must also appoint a floor warden and an alternate floor warden. On multi-tenant floors, one of the suite monitors will take on this role. The building’s emergency procedures are administered with these individuals under the direction of the Property Manager Floor warden training is provided through the Building’s Fire and Life Safety Training Program. The Floor Warden Manual can also be accessed through this program. In addition to information on fire emergencies, the Manual includes information and instructions for responding to other possible Building emergencies including bomb threats, civil disturbances, medical emergencies and earthquakes.
Click here to access Fire and Life Safety Training (opens in new window)
Click here for the Floor Warden Manual (opens in new window)
Fire Drills
Fire drills are conducted throughout the year at FourFortyFour South Flower. Participation by all tenants is mandatory per the Los Angeles Fire Department regulations. Occupants who do not participate in drills may be subject to city fines.
Reporting Emergencies
Life threatening emergencies should be reported to 911. Remember to provide your suite number and floor location when calling 911. After notifying 911, please contact the Property Management Office at 213-624-3229. Building security will immediately prepare for the arrival of emergency response personnel. A freight elevator will be dispatched to the plaza level for standby and exclusive use by the emergency response team. Security will direct the Fire Department and/or paramedics to the tenant space.
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